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US slams Russian recognition of breakaway areas. “They’re not ready to be liberated yet,” said Bush.

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(Translation courtesy of Tarakihi)

Washington, D.C., August 26th, 2008, (Reuters).- The White House on Tuesday blasted Russia’s formal

The US is already sending its army with humanitarian aid to the area.

The US is already sending its army with humanitarian aid to the area.

recognition of two separatist Georgian provinces, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, calling it “irrational” behavior that is rejected by the world.

White House spokesman Tony Frappuchino said the US would use its veto power on the U.N. Security Council to make sure Russia’s move is “dead as an Afghan”. “The threath of a veto is a valid and brave move as long as it isn’t the French who use it.”

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Russia has no business declaring the provinces independent of U.S.-backed Georgia. “I think it is regrettable, just because they don’t speak Georgian, and their population is not Georgian, and they haven’t been governed by Georgia since the dissolution of the USSR, and they had been invaded by Georgia a couple of weeks ago, doesn’t mean they’re not part of Georgia. This puts Russia in opposition to Security Council resolutions, which is as bad as the invasions of Western Sahara, East Timor, Cyprus, the Palestinian Territories and Iraq, specially as a member of the P-5, which will have to drop Russia and become the Fantastic Four,” explained Rice in a press conference.

State Department spokesman Robert Wood said the U.S. is looking at a variety of options to respond. “We’re not trying to escalate anything, but we obviously can’t allow what Russia’s done to go without there being some consequences. In fact, if our troops weren’t busy invading other countries, we would have already used them to punish Russia for invading other countries.”

After the invasion of South Ossetia by Georgian forces, and the invasion of Georgia by Russian forces, the US sent the missile destroyer USS McFaul to the Georgian port of Batumi, to deliver humanitarian aid.

“Just because it’s a missile destroyer, doesn’t mean it carries missiles, but humanitarian aid. If we had meant to sent weapons, we would have sent a Red Cross vessel,” finished Rice.